Manage recruitment
Welcome new employees
Achieve business goals
The best Recruitment
A recruitment campaign can take a long time and be hard to manage.
With Skriv, follow each candidate with precision. No step in your recruiting process can be forgotten, and each stakeholder knows exactly when to intervene.
And if your maintenance elements (questions, tests, etc.) evolve, manage them also in Skriv.
Effective General Services
Managing general services can sometimes be like juggling large numbers of balls of different sizes.
Define your process, from getting the requests until their treatment and delivery, even managing the cases of refusal and postponement.
Offer all employees an accurate view of their requests' progress.
You Business Events
The organization of a conference or conference requires organization and rigor.
Skriv allows you to easily manage all the stages of these events, and all the speakers who will work on them.
Spend more time designing mind-blowing events and less time chasing everyone.
Employees monitoringk
Welcoming new employees, monitoring their skills, setting-up annual interviews or managing departures, all these steps deserve to be processed seriously.
Skriv helps you define the processes for welcoming and monitoring employees.
Once everything is set up, focus on the human.
Really efficient
Teams that have moved from a classic task manager to Skriv have all become more productive.
On average, they delivered between 1.5 and 2 times more projects each month.
It's concrete.

, Project Management
as it should be:
based on your workflow